In today's lectionary we read about Eve taking and eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The LORD God commanded that Adam and Eve not eat from this tree, or they shall die. Two things struck me as I read this narrative: 1. Why wouldn't Eve trust the serpent? She had never known mistrust. She didn't know about deception or lying ... which is what the crafty serpent did. And, 2. It says "she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate." Hmmm. Was he with her when she was talking with the serpent? Hmmm. "She gave some to her husband" ... which means he had to have been with her and he had to take it from her and then eat it. He trusted her. Of course, he did. And, she trusted him. Are light bulbs going on in your head? Both of them seemed to have forgotten what God said, listened to the serpent's temptation, and then they both made a decision to take and eat. And, darkness came into the garden.
Isn't that what we do? I do! I know what God has said ... I read it everyday! Then, I walk along in my day, not aware of the temptations of the serpent who slithers across my path wanting to trip me up. Unlike Adam and Eve, I know about mistrust and lies and deception. I know better but, like Adam and Eve ... I listen to that voice and I forget God's voice ... His words of life to me. The serpent tempts me to forget God; he tempts me to walk into darkness.
BUT ... here is the Good News! "...we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it ... namely Jesus ..." Hebrews 2
We know Jesus! He is our salvation!
Everything is in subjection to Him. Everything! Even that slithering snake! There is nothing outside His control. All around us may look dark ... full of despair or disillusionment or discouragement or disdain or discontentment. You know the darkness that is around you. That is what the serpent wants us to see. That is what the serpent wants us to take and eat. He is a liar! 
It's time to make a resolution beginning in this very present moment and every moment onward ... to choose to take and eat of Christ's life, to choose to walk toward His Light. On occasion will we turn toward the darkness, take a step in that direction? Yes. We will. But, that it what repentance is about. Turn away from it. Make a resolution to choose to walk toward Christ ... to walk in the Light of Christ even when darkness is all around us.