The Ascension of Jesus Christ to the Father in heaven may be one of the funniest narratives in the Bible. Yes, one of the most glorious and one for which we give thanks and praise ... but truly one of the funniest.
Jesus and his disciples are gathered on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem. He's given them his final instructions to do all that he has taught them and that he will send the Holy Spirit to empower them to go and tell others the good news of His Father's Kingdom. And, while He is blessing them ... whoosh! ... he's carried into heaven! WOW! Was it like Elijah being whisked away by chariots of fire? (Which BTW according to Allen Ross are angels.) Had the angels been hovering in the heavens, dancing on pins and needles, anxiously waiting for Jesus's sign? OK! It's finished! Take me home!
We know the angels were close by because two of them show up to razz the disciples. This is the funny part: When Jesus is taken into heaven, the disciples stand around looking up into the air ... almost like, "Where'd he go? Is he behind that cloud?" Suddenly, the angels are with them ... possibly shaking their heads thinking ... "When are these guys gonna get it?" But, being the messengers of God they only say what God tells them to say, "What are you guys lookin' at? What are you doing standing around? You saw it right. We carried him to heaven and he'll come back ... the same way!" OK, my translation. What the angels said, awakened the disciples to head back to Jerusalem, walking and leaping and praising God ... then to wait for God to send the Holy Spirit, the promise of Jesus.
We now wait with the disciples ... to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit 10 days from now on Pentecost. For these 10 days why not meditate and give praise for the Ascension of Jesus to the Father? Give praise and thanks to God that Jesus' ascension ...
1. Fulfills Jesus' promise to return to the Father. Add to that ... Jesus did all that he said he would. He has never broken a word of it.
2. Fulfills Jesus' promise to send the Holy Spirit. As believers in Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit lives within us to empower us, strengthen us, lead us, teach us, guide us, comfort us, help us to spread the Good News of God's Kingdom.
3. Fulfills Jesus' promise to reign as King over all that is seen and unseen. He has defeated the Prince of Darkness and we live in a glorious inheritance of immeasurable greatness of His power.
4. Fulfills Jesus' promise to bring hope and peace to this world. He has put on his apparel and girded himself with strength. He is the eternal King who makes our world sure, safe, secure, unshakable.
5. Fulfills Jesus' promise to be with us to the end of the age ... and into eternity. He is our hope for today and tomorrow and forever. He is always ... ALWAYS ... with us.
What joy is ours because Jesus ascended to our Father in heaven and sits in authority over this world. How completely amazing that it is there that He prays for us! From now until Pentecost go to your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the world ... and tell others of this Good News of Great Joy!
Friday, May 6, 2016
Sunday, April 10, 2016
What Camels and Jesus' Resurrection Have in Common
Some of you know that I thoroughly enjoy
watching TED Talks. They are short presentations given by people from all
walks of life, from all over the world, and on every topic imaginable!
latest TED Talk I listened to was by Latif Nasser (full video at the bottom of text). He told how he met Natalia
Rybczynski, a paleobiologist who found a handful of fossils way above the Arctic Circle … and her
discovery upended the way he saw the
day as she was hiking about 10 degrees latitude from the North Pole she looked
down and saw a rust-colored stone that looked like a prehistoric splinter of
wood. But, as she studied it further she saw patterns that looked more like
bone. After a time she found about 30 pieces of this same bone, but she and her
colleagues just couldn’t make it out. What was it?
sent a fragment to a profiler who tested it to determine what animal it belonged to. It turned out that the bone was the tibia from a cloven hoofed mammal.
A camel!
A 9-foot tall, 2,000-pound camel!
For 40 million
years camels lived within the Arctic Circle.
What?! Camels in the Arctic?!
live in the desert!
How could they be
found in the frigid, snow and ice-covered Arctic Circle?
How could they live in that environment?
It was this discovery that upended Nasser’s
As an historian, he realized that it’s
so easy to see the world in one way and think that it’s the only way to
see it. But then, one discovery may upend
your world and open up not only a new way of seeing the world, but
understanding it and living in it and discovering who you are to be in it.
That is our
story in the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
It’s a discovery, a truth that upends our world! It upends the way we think about our
world, the way we see it, understand it, and live in it. It upends who we are to be in this world.
It upended the disciples’ world, and it took them a little while to work it out, to understand what it meant,
to know how to live in it, which is why we find that Peter and 6 more disciples … 7 of the 11! … had gone fishing. They’d gone back to their
old jobs!
The disciples had
returned to Galilee where Jesus told them he would meet them, and they were
waiting for him to come. And, they waited and waited. And then, Peter being the “gotta do something or
go crazy” disciple said, “I’m going fishing.”
Maybe that’s how it was. Maybe he
didn’t know what to do with himself. Maybe he needed to do something familiar to ground himself, to help him
process what it all meant. Maybe he didn’t understand that the resurrection of
his Lord Jesus Christ upended his world so
much that he was no longer Peter the fisherman.
It could be that
the all-night fishing vigil reminded him of that. They fished all night and caught nothing. Nothing. Then, someone calls out from the beach (they didn't recognize Jesus), “You didn’t
catch anything didja? … Throw the net on the right side of the boat and you’ll catch some fish!”
essence Jesus said, “Stop looking for camels in the Sahara. They’re in the
Arctic! … Trust me and cast your net
on the other side of the boat … and find life, teeming and ready to jump into
your nets! … Trust me when I tell
you the world is now a different place!”
And, 153 large
fish swarm their net.
Peter knows only
one person who can do this: Jesus, and he catapults
himself into the water swimming to shore, to Jesus. OK, he did put on some clothes first,
because some things in this world are still the same; clothing is necessary.
The disciples
follow Peter hauling the fish to shore and Jesus makes them breakfast. Yes, their
world is upended and yet, in some
ways it’s still the same. They still need to eat. But, even in those daily
necessities Jesus provides it in ways that are beyond expectation: 153 fish
for breakfast! What abundance!
in that early morning meal with Jesus, Peter learns the lesson of the resurrection;
he learns who he is to be in this
new upended world. He is no longer to be a fisherman … he is to be a fisher of men. But, he doesn't know how to do this. Jesus, in his typical rabbinic style leads him to the answer:
· Love Jesus and tell others about the hope for new
life that is theirs in Jesus Christ. Teach them what it means to follow Him by
feeding them with the word of God. Show them how to live as Kingdom people.
· Love Jesus and take care of those who cannot care
for themselves – the weak, the poor, the despairing, … the widows, the orphans,
the downcast. Offer them the hope and healing that only Jesus can give.
· Love Jesus and feed others with the truth about God’s Kingdom … that it can
be found by believing in Jesus Christ … his death for our sins and his
resurrection … and our resurrection
to a new life, a forever life in this new world.
Like Peter we are Kingdom People! The resurrection of Jesus Christ has upended
our world, upended the way we think about it, the way we see it, understand it,
and live in it. It has upended who we
are to be in this world.
Now, does that
mean we quit our day jobs and begin a life as itinerant preachers? No. The
resurrection doesn’t mean we leave this life behind, but we live it in a very
different way. In his book Surprised by
Hope, N.T. Wright says,
“The point of the resurrection is that … What you
do with [this bodily life] … matters because God has a great future in store
for it. What you do in the present – by painting, singing, sewing, praying,
building hospitals, digging wells, campaigning for justice, caring for the needy, loving your neighbor as
yourself – this will last into God’s
How we live this
life will last into God’s future.
Resurrection life is now and lasts forever. God has upended this world by the
resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ and has made it possible for us to share
in that life when we believe in Him and follow Him. That makes us Kingdom
people and as Kingdom people we are to love Jesus … and love others to Him. We
are to serve others in such a way that they begin to see the world in a very
different way. They begin to see that camels lived in the Arctic and not just
the Sahara. They begin to see that God loves us and we are made to love God and
love one another in Jesus Christ … forever!
That is our
story in the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
It’s a discovery, a truth that upends our world. It upends the way we think about our world, the way we see it, understand it, and live in it. It upends who we are to be … as Kingdom people … in God’s world. AMEN.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Been thinking about Light
Today is Epiphany ... a celebration of the Light of Christ made know to the Gentiles, the Magi from the East ... most likely Persia. On Christmas Eve I commented that I could smell the Light. The examples I gave were almost all an aspect of worship or an act of worship in praise and thanksgiving to God. Yes, in that sense we smell the Light of Christ in us and among us.
But, what about when we step outside the doors of our church?
How do we sense the Light of Christ in the world around us?
During Epiphany, the season of the Light of God revealed among us, I want to challenge myself (and maybe you too) to sense and find the Light of Christ
in the hungry,

the destitute,
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More than 550,000 Americans are homeless on any given night. |
the poor and needy,
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Over 146 million people in the United States are poor or low income. |
and the forgotten.

It's easy to sense the Light of Christ in the beauty of worship. But, this Epiphany season, may He open our eyes to see His Light in unexpected places ... in places and in people where He waits for us to share a cup of water ... or coffee, to offer a word of comfort or encouragement, to give a coat because we have two. The Light is in those places ... and people ... too. What Light do we miss when we pass them by?
Perhaps, as we practice these things we will experience a renewed sense God's Unfathomable Light (thank you Janet George!) and breathe in its scent of grace ... as John said in his gospel "grace upon grace" ... and peace and goodness and kindness. What blessings await us as we take in the scent of Christ's Light among us. Yes, what blessings. Thanks be to God.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Merry Christmas!
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St. James' Episcopal Church, Lake George New York |
This is the interior of St. James' ready for our Christmas Eve celebration. I stood for a long time at the crossing taking in the beauty and wonder of the place and its promise for our evening together. It brought to memory a comment made to me by a little girl who had been taken by the wonder of worship. She said, "I can smell the Light." That is exactly right. On Christmas Eve, I could smell the Light. Evergreen. Frankincense. Myrrh. Tulips. ... I wish I could say snow, but it was an uncommon 52 degrees! Regardless, I could smell the Light. There was something in it ... something it brought to the space ... something you could breathe in and know it was from the light itself. Jesus is come ... God with us.
I don't know how it works that God became a human baby. Even more, I don't know how it works that God came and made His home among us, that He lives in us. Immanuel - God's presence with us and in us and among us and around us ... in Jesus. Maybe the only way to know the answer is to stop and stand and look and listen and ask Him to show you ... to breathe in the scent of His Light.
The scent of His Light is in the beauty of worship. It's in the wonder of prayer. It's in the voices lifted in praise. It's in sharing the bread and drinking from the cup. It's in the hearing of ancient Scriptures ... come to fulfillment. It's in the passing of peace ... the Peace of the Lord be with you. ... Peace on earth, God's goodness to all people.
When I walked outside after our Christmas Eve services, although all the lights inside the church were turned off ... I could still smell the Light. The sky was filled with stars and an almost full moon. Astonishing.
May the Light of Christ be with you this Christmas!
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