Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Put on the armor of light

This afternoon we put on our coats and scarves and gloves and then, drove to a tree farm to cut down our Christmas tree. The afternoon air hovered around the high 30's promising a perfect day for the adventure. It took us a little while to find just the right one, which meant by the time we paid for it and got it tied down to the car we were driving home in the swiftly growing dusk and swiftly dropping temperature. We talked about how fast it was growing dark these days and then, just as fast, we began talking about dinner. My sister looked at the clock and declared, "It's only 4:30!" The chilliness, the effort, the tree, the darkness, the hunger, the time ... all reminded me of this new season of Advent.

From this moment on, our days will shrink shorter and shorter, the darkness creep in earlier and earlier. It's a reminder that before Christ came into the world, we lived in darkness, in our sinfulness.
From this moment on, our days (especially in the north!) it will grow chillier and chillier ... a reminder that without the warmth of Christ's Presence there is little comfort or hope.
From this moment on, our days of darkness and chill are a reminder of the effort we must put forth to keep watch for Christ's coming, that we must put on hope, put on faith, put on love.
From this moment on, our days will require us to eat a bit more to stay warm and stay healthy. It's a reminder that we need to eat more of the Word of God and be strengthened by His promises.

And, then, I remembered a portion of Sunday's Epistle reading:  ... you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers; the night is far gone, the day is near. Let us then lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of light ... put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13.11-12)

These days of Advent remind us to put on the armor of Light, to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. He is come! His Presence is with us ... now. And, these days of Advent ... the chilliness, the effort, the tree, the darkness, the hunger ... remind us that it's time ... it's time to remember that He is coming again! So, bundle up! Put on faith in Christ. Put on hope in His coming. Put on His love for you and let it spill over to others.

And, the tree ... the only reminder I haven't mentioned yet ... the Christmas tree reminds us of growing in Him, ever green, ever lasting with Him. And, all those lights twinkling out from its branches remind us of His Light within us shining out into the world to bless, to show others that Jesus is come and is coming again. And, the joy of ornaments and garland ... reminders of how He dresses us in His grace and mercy, how beautifully He has made us. And, the gifts ... God's gift to us in Jesus Christ ... the Savior ... and His Holy Spirit, and the gifts He gives us to give to others.

Wow. All that from cutting down our Christmas tree.

PS - I already received a Christmas gift. God gave me part-time work at Stray Cat Studios and Store. Beside the bit of income it brings, I may be able to get my hands into some clay! Now, that is joy!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I can't wait to hear some pottery/clay thoughts!!
    Father Tripp on Sunday was thinking on similar lines when he drew our attention to the fact that as the light of the days decrease this month, the light on the Advent wreath INCREASES.
