Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hidden or Unhidden God is Present

Yes, I know the quote is really "Bidden or Unbidden God is present" but right now "Hidden or Unhidden God is present" is a better quote for my life. Yes, I know it's been awhile. And, although I've been "hidden" from the blog, it doesn't mean I've been ... well ... hidden from life. Rather, the opposite is true. The stuff of life has so filled my days that writing on the blog has had to take a seat and wait a while. Which, when I think of it, is what I am doing still ... waiting ... but waiting in a much different way.

Following the Eucharist on Easter morning I went for prayer and during that time in prayer a word came to me ... a command really:
  bat peac 
That's sort of what it looked like except that it came rushing at me out of complete blackness (for some reason Blogger text formatting doesn't make the background color the size of the font ... harumpf). It was such a direct command that it caught me in its intensity ... and its invitation to ... well ... be at peace. Stop worrying. Stop fretting. Stop looking for what is next. God is with you now, so
  bat peac
My sister said that I changed so dramatically, it was as though I flipped a switch. Well, you betcha! If God gives a command I'm not going to question it ... I'm going to do it.

Since then, I have been thinking on what it is to wait. This is not an in between time. This is not a time of looking for what is next. This is not a time of searching for the way forward. This is the time to live life ... right now. The church calls our present season "ordinary time". I say it's "extraordinary time". This is the time to wait with{IN} Him. I know I've talked about this before, but being on this side of 18 months of waiting, it looks quite a bit differently than it did before.

I will post more about this but for now ... may you
bat peace


  1. Wonderful thoughts Jean. We all need to take a deep breath and be still and know that God is with us.

  2. I so needed to hear this right now. I, too, am in a time of waiting, not knowing what God's plan is for us. SKM has lovingly reminded me to live in the moment. I feel very blessed that God is entrusting the children to our care, for however long He deems necessary. I also read recently that "waiting" is actually an action verb.

  3. Thank you Jean, I needed this as well. Don't know where you are but God is all powerful and knows your needs.
