Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Kingdom Seed

Last Sunday's gospel was the parable of the mustard seed. I've been thinking a lot about that parable, that seed ... the smallest of seeds, which grows into a bush so large that many birds find a home in the shade of its branches. Yes, the photo above is a mustard "tree". Hmmm...

This parable is about the kingdom of God, which is like the smallest of seeds, sometimes so small it can hardly be seen. And yet, it grows into something so great that it gives home to many. Isn't it something that ...
The smallest becomes the greatest. 
The smallest
 ... when it breaks open in the soil of the earth ... 
grows and grows and grows
into the greatest.
In order that 
... the smallest will give greatly,
... the smallest will live into its great purpose,
... the smallest will receive great blessing,
... the smallest will bear great fruit,
so that
... more of the smallest may be sown to become the greatest,
and when they breaks open in the soil of the earth ...

On this journey of the past 2.5 years, God has given me a great blessing of serving some of the smallest parishes who, in my humble opinion, have the greatest to offer the kingdom of God. I had to say goodbye to one such parish this past Sunday. They love Jesus and yearn to know Him more deeply. They love each other and care for one another. And, they share their love with those who live around them. They may look like a small seed, but the kingdom of God is great within their hearts. That is the blessing they shared with me, and I hope that I may allow such a kingdom seed to grow in the soil of my heart and give the same blessing to others.

God bless you, Trinity, New Philadelphia.

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