Just before I came to Honey Rock they drilled a new water well for the lodge where I am living. Before they drilled the well the water coming out of the tap had the look of a rusty rain barrel. One look and you thought, "I'm not drinking that!" But, the fact of the matter was that it was perfectly safe to drink. No one drinking that water would have anemia... full of iron, it was! Anyway, the new well put out beautifully crystal clear and cold water. Perfect! It was just what was needed. Then, last week they tested the water. You guessed it ... undrinkable!
In fact, so undrinkable we weren't even supposed to brush our teeth with it! (For those of you who have traveled to places where getting any bit of water into your mouth is not a good idea... you get the picture. Kathie? Kyle?) Oy!
For the 20 or so folk who share this lodge with me, I have not heard one bit of complaining. Instead, we have all found ways to live with it. Like me, some are hauling water from other buildings. Others are buying filtered water in town. And, others are trekking in the sub-zero early morning temps to another building to wash up and brush up and get ready for the day. Thankfully, this morning we are able to at least wash up with the water, but still no drinking. (It's going to be about a week before the water can be tested again to see if it passes the test for drinking.)
So, what does this have to do with walking by faith and not by sight?

I've been thinking about this journey we are walking - this life in Christ. There are times that something "looks" exactly right, exactly what we think is the best plan and way forward... when in fact, it's not really good for us. In reality, it's the way that "looks" just a little suspect (sometimes more than suspect!) that is exactly the thing that is good for us and ... in reality ... the best plan and way forward.
Three possible ways forward have come to my attention, three "glasses of water", three ministry opportunities. When I look at these three opportunities, two of them look like that rusty glass of water and only one looks clear. Hmmm. Is that clear one God's good for me? Or, could it be that one of the cloudy ones is really God's good for me? Hmmm. The only way forward is to walk by faith and not by sight. This is where prayer comes in - seeking God's grace and guidance and listening for his voice and prompting. It also means I need to be honest with myself. I don't want to jump into something because I'm fearful that something else may not come. I don't want to accept the "clear glass" because it looks good - according to what everyone is saying is good. It also means listening to faithful friends and intercessors who give me wise counsel and are looking for God's work in my life.
So, right now, I'm thankful I do not need to drink from any one of these "glasses of water" just yet. But, what I can do is wait and watch and pray and do what is in front of me today... which may mean going and hauling another gallon of water.
Three possible ways forward have come to my attention, three "glasses of water", three ministry opportunities. When I look at these three opportunities, two of them look like that rusty glass of water and only one looks clear. Hmmm. Is that clear one God's good for me? Or, could it be that one of the cloudy ones is really God's good for me? Hmmm. The only way forward is to walk by faith and not by sight. This is where prayer comes in - seeking God's grace and guidance and listening for his voice and prompting. It also means I need to be honest with myself. I don't want to jump into something because I'm fearful that something else may not come. I don't want to accept the "clear glass" because it looks good - according to what everyone is saying is good. It also means listening to faithful friends and intercessors who give me wise counsel and are looking for God's work in my life.
So, right now, I'm thankful I do not need to drink from any one of these "glasses of water" just yet. But, what I can do is wait and watch and pray and do what is in front of me today... which may mean going and hauling another gallon of water.
Praying for God's will for you to come in loud and clear.
ReplyDelete(Sorry, the deleted comment was by accident.)
ReplyDeleteI love this analogy.
What a reminder of our journey through life. It is a "faith" journey. Trusting God when we take that leap of faith. WOW!
Thanks again for these wonderful "devotions" and insight to how God is giving you these experiences to share.
Jean, just got this and love the thoughts ! I'll be following you cause you follow THE LEADER ! Love you, andy
ReplyDeleteYes I'm following you as well. The water situation sounds grim, but at least there is some water. Have any leads come from Africa? Miss you a lot but don't envy the cold up there. Maybe you should become a Franciscan and then we could have you in italy!! love and warmth, Janina
ReplyDeleteWe had snow! Will post some photos tomorrow. Four or five groups arrive tonight so the place is a buzz of activity. No time to be cold when fires blaze warmly in almost every building and everyone is so happy to be here.
ReplyDeleteTook my iPhone outside tonight and gazed at the sky using the SkyWalk App. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Wunder struck! May you all know the warmth of God's Presence and be wonder struck by his gifts to you!
Hope someone shares this story with your kids at St. Luke's Clearly proves that seeing is not believing but believing is seeing. Praying for you and God's sometimes cloudy but sure direction.Miss you and love being a part of your journey.
DeleteStill working on how to make this into a Sunday school lesson...