I was ruminating on 1 Kings 19:1-18 a couple of days ago and these seemingly opposite ways of living in faith came together for me. Elijah is running in fear for his life from Jezebel. He's just been God's instrument for a completely amazing victory over the "prophets" of Baal and Jezebel is out to make mincemeat out of him. So, he gets to this place where he's done ... he has nothing left and he plops down under the broom tree and says, "I'm done. I'm like a dead man so just let me die here." God doesn't argue with him, instead he lets Elijah sleep. Then, he sends an angel to gently wake him and feed him cake and water - the bread and drink of heaven that fits him for his 40 day journey. That food strengthened him for 40 days and 40 nights. Some kind of nutrients in that stuff!
Anyway, here is where Walk - Stand and Wait come together. Elijah is now physically fit. Good rest, good food, healthy exercise. He's ready to walk forward again, but God has him live in a cave on Mount Horeb. Here on Mount Horeb Elijah is made mentally, intellectually, and spiritually ready.
"What are you doing here Elijah?"
And, Elijah gives God the rundown on what he's done and how he feels about it. His heart whines about the people and cries that he is alone!
Have you ever been in that place? I have. Standing in worship I whine about everything around me and cry out about my condition. So, easy to have eyes focused in on me and my world instead of eyes focused on Who God is and who I am/we are in Him.
God doesn't answer Elijah but tells him to go and stand on the mount. And, before Elijah the wind tears apart the mountain, the earthquakes beneath his feet, and fire pours over the land. And, then comes ...
a still small voice
A whisper. A sheer silence. But it is not void. This is the voice of God that declared creation to be and it became. And Elijah recognizes the Presence of God, of Who God is and who he is {WITH}IN Him ... and in that recognition he covers his face.
Elijah's answer is exactly the same ... but his mind and heart are in a very different place. Elijah has "walked" forward in faith, in understanding God ... that God is in control, that God is all-powerful, that God takes care of His people, that God is worthy of worship. But, to take those steps forward in faith, Elijah had to "stand and wait" on God.
As we walk {WITH}IN Christ in faith we stand and wait in Him ... our minds and hearts prepared ... knowing that He is in control of all things - nothing escapes His notice, He is all-powerful - over all circumstances and events surrounding us, He takes care of His people - loving, saving, forgiving, caring for us, and He alone is worthy of worship.
Today, as you go to worship may you know that Our God comes to you, is ready to speak to you, is ready to care for you. Walk forward in faith believing that and stand and wait for His voice.
Beautifully written and makes so much sense. I struggle with the "stand and wait" part, but this gives me new perspective!
ReplyDeleteI once heard a teaching about "stand and wait" being like a soldier who must be vigilant to be ready for his leader's call to action but until then ... stands ready ... stands and waits.
ReplyDeleteSo good to see your smiling face Kyle! And, your comment. Thank you.