When we read about David and Goliath, I venture to say that the film that plays in our imaginations puts David as the underdog against the Philistine Goliath ... all 9'6" of him. From a human point of view his gigantic size, his undefeatable strength, his taunts that deflate Israel's courage ... blocks God from their view. All they see is Goliath. Isn't this true of the storm as well?
When we read about the storm ... the wind and the waves threatening the boat that carries Jesus and the disciples, some of them seasoned fisherman very capable with boat and oar and sail ... when we read about that storm, what do we see in our mind's eye? Again, I venture to say it's the gigantic size of the storm, its undefeatable strength, its taunts that deflate the disciples courage ... and blocks their view of God ... who is asleep in the stern!
So, the questions that kept nagging me: What would it be like if I decided to stand up to the giants in my life with faith instead of fear? What would it be like if I decided to look with faith to the mighty power of my Lord ... who may seem to be asleep as he steers my life's course ... instead of fearing the storm that threatens to sink me? What would it be like for the church to respond this way? Faith instead of fear.
Jesus asked, "How can you be so afraid? After all you've seen, where is your faith?"
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David by Bernini |
One smooth stone of faith will do it.
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