Saturday, February 23, 2013

Come to Me, I'm all you need...

One of my favorite CDs is The Loft Session from Bethel Live. This morning I sat listening to this song, Come To Me and found such reassurance and strength in just being with our Lord, sitting with Him, listening for Him, resting in Him. Such joy and blessing and abundance is ours when we take time to do this. May you find blessing as you listen here...


  1. JORDAN S. ARE YOU SEEING THIS???? MEREDITH K.?? CATHY Mc.?? How cool that though separated by an Ice Age and far too many miles and two months now, at least we four (and more I'm sure) at SLC were talking/experiencing Bethel Music yesterday and here is our beloved and much-missed Jean Devaty doing the same in the same weekend!!!!! God is keeping us connected, though separated, in such great ways.. (Cathy, this is the song, the very one!!)

  2. favorite line (at this particular moment..)
    "Though you feel I'm far away, I'm closer than your breath
    I am with you, more than you know"
    Just think about "closer than your breath".. coming in, going out, filling ALL of your insides, bringing life-giving O2 to every cell, without which we perish. AND it's what goes out from us, what we contribute to the atmosphere around us, what leaks.. Ahhh, if all that I leaked were GOD and not tainted by my inner ugly... Lord make my inhale be all YOU, and my exhale be cleansed and glorify only You..
