Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ice Canoeing & the Way Forward

This is what the "waterfront" looks like here at Honey Rock.
Can't see the water? It's that large flat tundra looking area covered with snow. There is ice on top of the lake but it isn't frozen solid... yet. So, while there are still places where the ice is thin and will break, the Honey Rock Winter Staff offer something called Ice Canoeing. Just like canoeing, two people set out onto the lake and the person in the bow chips away through the ice while the person in the stern has most of the responsibility to propel the canoe forward.

One of the students described her experience where she and her "stern-woman" were going along nicely but the way became increasingly harder. Finally, it was dead stop. She said that with great gusto she attacked the ice chipping away with her paddle. She could see there was a way up ahead... surely if she just kept at it. At one point her stern-woman asked if maybe they should just turn back. "No!" she replied and with greater determination chipped at the ice. Exhaustion began to creep over her. Her hope began to wane. Then, from a direction she didn't expect she heard a large CRACK!!! From somewhere beside and behind her the ice broke open and they were able to make their way to flowing water ahead.

This student likened this experience to how she goes at a task or even walks through life. No matter what the challenge, she is going to do it! She is going to make it work, get through, succeed! She doesn't like to give up. She saw this as her working along with God to tackle the hard things that come at her in life.

When I heard her tell this story, I thought of my own walk. There are many times I keep at something... chipping and chipping away, working so hard to make it work. But, all I really need to do is remember to take a breather now and then because God is working with me to "break things open," most likely from a direction that I may not know about. My "chipping away" is still important... but perhaps, I don't need to go at it so hard. Maybe I need to look around and see how and where God is working so that I can get through to the flowing water... to the place where we - God and I - are moving together.

During this time of waiting and watching for signs ... for my way forward ... I want to remember that. I want to remember that while I work I need to look up and look around to see where He is working to open the way.


  1. Wow! What a great picture of this life...chipping away at the path we know, but keeping our eyes open to the possibility of a different path, a slightly different direction, a different course...I like it! Onward and upward, and keep that ice chipper handy...Miss you, Jean!
    (By the way - for those having trouble posting - you usually need to have some sort of account like a Google account -- to post comments. You can create one for free if you don't already have one!)

  2. Looks beautiful in a ffffrrrridgid sort of way. Having lived in Wis for 15 yrs we can confirm that the 2 weeks of summer are fabulous. This is the 4th try at sending this and I will tell you that answering your wonderful blog at 70 yrs. Plus is a lot like chipping ice. Know God will use you in wonderful ways to all you touch. We miss you BIG TIME. You are in our prayers always..

  3. Dear Jean,
    What a great illustration! Many times we give up too fast and miss what God has ahead for us. This life truly is a journey. I have been blessed to have you as a friend these past six years. I miss you and the time we spent in prayer. You are in my prayers.

    PS I remember those days of winter all too well. I have to say I do not miss them. I enjoy the warm. Glad to hear you are staying warm!
