Thursday, May 9, 2013

Derailed for a moment...
So, I was derailed for a moment. Not to worry, I'm back on track now. But, sometimes something blind-sides you ... something happens or someone does something or says something ... and even with all your effort, with all you've learned and practiced ... your journey jumps track. This jumping track is not always altogether a bad thing. Would I wish it on anyone? No. Would I invite again? No. But, when I stop and take stock of the situation, derailing helps me learn, helps me grow so that the next time it won't derail me. Instead, I will stay on track. So, what did I learn?

This whole thing about "Walking. Stand and Wait.", this whole thing about our journey in Christ, into Christ-likeness ... is a daily thing. Daily. D. A. I. L. Y. And, sometimes when we are attending to a specific way of following Christ, e.g. ridding our hearts of a besetting sin, changing a habit, practicing a new way of relating to God or to others or to yourself ... sometimes it takes a moment-by-moment attention. Sometimes it takes what a friend of mine calls vigilance.

Vigilance: the process of paying close and continuous attention, watchfulness, the state of keeping careful watch, alertness or attention with care.

With care. Hmmm. I'm adding to that ... with Love. With the Love of Christ ... from Him, for Him, for others, and for myself ... I practice vigilance. With the Love of Christ I "Walk. Stand and Wait." in order to gain Him and His ways ... the way of His Kingdom. Daily I remember His Love and forgiveness and mercy and grace. Sometimes, I have to remember this moment-by-moment. How will I do this? By the power of His Holy Spirit at work within me.
Today is the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ. Without Christ ascending to His Father, to God's right hand (place of authority over all things ... ALL things, even those things that need changing in us!) we would not have His Holy Spirit living within us. When Christ ascended to His Father, the disciples were sent back to Jerusalem to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Ten days later at Pentecost the Holy Spirit was sent upon those who believe in Him, who believe that He saves (the meaning of His Name, Jesus, is God Saves). That same Holy Spirt lives with and in those of us who believe in Him. With the power of the Holy Spirit and vigilant attention to how I travel this track, my journey and my life will change ... I will change ... to be more like Him. And, I will know His peace. If you believe, this is true for you as well.

The Church has observed and celebrated the Feast of the Ascension at least since the third century and possibly as early as 68AD. It marked a period of 10 days of vigilant prayer for the Holy Spirit to fall upon them. I think it's time we practiced this kind of vigilance again. Beginning today and lasting until Pentecost (10 days), I commit to pray daily for a greater awareness of the Holy Spirit that lives within me ... for His power to be at work within me for God's glory. What about you?